Friday, August 12, 2022

How to wash your hair properly

Now that you have explored how often you need to wash your hair in a week, let’s now see how you should wash your hair properly. You never know, maybe you have been doing it the wrong way.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you wash your hair:

1. Start by brushing your hair

You need to start by brushing your wig. This is to help you get rid of any tangles and knots that may be on the hair. You can use a wide-tooth comb to brush your hair. Remember to be as gentle as possible.

2. Apply shampoo to your hair

The next thing is to apply shampoo to your hair. Use your hands to distribute the shampoo evenly on your hair. Make sure you use a shampoo made specifically for hair. You can also dilute it depending on how strong it is. Then rinse off the shampoo with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water as it can strip your hair of its natural oils and moisture.

3. Apply conditioner to your hair

After shampooing your hair, you now need to apply a conditioner. Go for a conditioner that suits your hair type. For instance, if you have curly hair, go for one designed for curly hair. And if you have colored hair, go for one that is designed for color-treated hair. Once you have applied the conditioner, let it rest for a few minutes before you rinse it off.  Make sure you use cold or lukewarm water to rinse off the conditioner. Rinse your hair thoroughly until there are no more traces of conditioners coming out.

4. Dry off your hair completely

It is time to dry your wig. You can pat it with a towel. You can also use a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt. Be very gentle because if you do it aggressively, you could end up damaging your hair. You can then stay outdoors to let it dry completely. But if you are in a hurry, you can use a blow-dryer, but on a low or moderate temperature setting.

Final thoughts

So, while it is important to wash your hair to get rid of dirt, dust, and sweat, it is also crucial not to over-wash it to prevent any kind of damage. As already mentioned, how many times you wash your wig in a week will depend on factors already mentioned.

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